Available commands for MwalaJS framework:
. mwala create-project <> - Create a new MVC project. Example: mwala create myapp . mwala app.mjs - Run the app.mjs file to start your application. . Database Operations:> - Database commands for various database tasks: - mwala create-db → Create the database specified in the .env file. - mwala create-table→ Create a specific database table. - mwala drop-table → Drop a specific database table. - mwala migrate all → Run all pending migrations. - mwala rollback all →to undo migration 4. mwala generate <model/controller/route/view> <name> - Generate various MVC components (models, controllers, routes, and views). Code Generation: - mwala generate model → Create a new model. - mwala generate controller → Create a new controller. - mwala generate route → Create a new route. - mwala generate view → Create a new view file. - mwala generate midware → Create a new middleware. . mwala serve - Start the server (similar to running "mwala app.mjs" or "node app.mjs"). . mwala help - Show available commands (this command). . mwala create-table <table_name> - Create a table in the database. Example: mwala create-table users . mwala drop-table <table_name> - Drop a table from the database. Example: mwala drop-table users . mwala migrate all - Run migrations on the database. Example: mwala migrate . mwala rollback all - Rollback the last migration. Example: mwala rollback
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git clone https://github.com/mwala400/mwalajs.gitfrom github https://github.com/mwala400/mwalajs v1.0.0