Welcome to MwalaJS! This guide will help you install, configure, and use MwalaJS efficiently.
You can install MwalaJS in multiple ways:
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/mwala400/mwalajs.git
Download and extract the files from the available compressed format:
or 7-Zip
.Click below to download the installer For Mwalajs framework:
Click below to download zip file mwalajs framework:
Click below to download rar file mwalajs framework :
mwala init
mwala create-project
mwala serve
mwala create-db
mwala create-table <table_name>
mwala drop-table <table_name>
mwala generate model <name> mwala generate controller <name> mwala generate route <name> mwala generate view <name> mwala generate midware <name>
For more details, visit: GitHub Repository